Daily Archives: March 4, 2008


Posted by Admin on March 04, 2008
Travel / Comments Off on Montreal

Montreal SubwayThis is my second time working in Montreal, and unlike the last time I was here, the weather is bearable. I thought I could handle the cold after spending a few years in upstate New York, but the winters here are hardcore!

I finally ventured out around town after work and got to explore the subway. The trains here run on tires, are clean and quiet. It’s a big difference from what I’m used to in NYC. Also noteworthy, a train ride costs $2.75 – 37% more than in New York City. Interesting.

I was most impressed by the extent to which you can get around town underground. From hotel to shopping complex to subway – it seems like there are intricate tunnels connecting many buildings.  I suppose this is out of necessity, given how cold it gets here in the winter. It’s a nice city with a real European flair. I can’t wait to explore some more.